Dr. Brian K. BumbargerThat's right, back by popular demand, we got Dr. Bumbarger on the agenda again this year as our Primary Keynote! Yay!
Those in the know, know that Dr. Bumbarger is one of the big-hitters in the world of prevention research and training. Or, as Colorado State University puts it, he's, "an internationally-recognized leader in community collective impact and the adoption and scaling of effective practices, using prevention and implementation science to strengthen communities and public systems." |
Dr. Bumbarger is the Senior Distinguished Juvenile Justice Fellow in the Youth Development program at Child Trends, the nation’s leading research organization focused exclusively on improving the lives of children and youth. He is Adjunct Research Associate at both Colorado State University and Penn State University Prevention Research Centers; Adjunct Research Fellow at the Criminology Institute at Griffith University (Queensland, Australia), and Founding Partner and CEO of Science, Systems & Communities Consulting. He is Founding Director and original Principal Investigator of the Evidence-based Prevention and Intervention Support Center (www.EPISCenter.org), an intermediary organization supporting the scale-up of over 300 evidence-based programs and community prevention coalitions. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.